
A project at CID (Center for User Oriented IT Design) together with the National Museum of Technology (Tekniska museet) in Stockholm, under the framework of project Daphne. The room displayed in the application is the room Teknorama in the museum. The project aims at visualizing visitor activity, momentarily and over extended periods of time. Sensors placed over stations will send data to a database that feeds the graphical application (seen on the photos). The application then displays a visualization of the collected data. Using the ship telegraph, people can then scrub the database back and forth in time to see the distribution and level of activity at the stations in the room.

My role was to build the 3d environment of the room and the different stations, and then to program the visualization application (c++ and open source graphics engine Ogre). I also scanned in the text plate of the telegraph and altered it but tried to keep the same style as the original. Together with the initiator of the project Ovidiu Sandor, who worked with the sensors and database programming, I also did my fair share of brass polishing.